Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Skiing Conditions

Skiing Conditions

Let’s Toast the Snow

There is a certain feel about the time of year when the last autumn leaves fall: the ski season is about to begin.

As the seasons change, so do the drinks we yearn for. The first snow is falling, the romantic picture of a chalet with a deep fur rug, an open fire hearth and a glass of mulled wine or aged port come to your mind.

Cocktail list, like restaurant menus, are seasonal. The fresh and fruity summer cocktails are replaced by heart-warming, satisfying cocktails. Instead of using the base spirits of gin and vodka, blends with scotch, cognac or brandies are used. You sip them as you sit and warm your toes after a hard day on the slopes.

One of the favourite classic cocktails is the Brandy Alexander. The smooth, creamy cocktail warms you as you sip it and the aroma and flavour of the spicy nutmeg brings to mind the thoughts of the log cabin.

Whether you are snowboarding or skiing imagine relaxing by the fire and sipping on your Brandy Alexander while the snow falls on the mountains for another day on the slopes tomorrow…

Brandy Alexander

30ml Brandy – may be replaced with a fine cognac
30 ml Crème de Cacao
30 ml Cream
Freshly ground nutmeg

Shake and strain all the ingredients into a frosted martini glass.
Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg.
Kick off your boots and warm your toes by the fire.